burton place, st georges, manchester
St George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, ManchesterSt George's, Manchester
Project Name: Burton Place
Location: St George's, Manchester
Client: Urban Splash
Completed: 2003

Architecture: Glenn Howells, Shed KM

At Burton Place, Landscape Projects worked with Glenn Howells architects and Shed KM on the design of the public realm and private courtyards.

The intention was to provide a simple and elegant background for the architecture, responding to the various building geometries and materials. A simple palette of grey granite, blue bricks and buff bound gravel was selected for the streets with a long strip of white luxcrete allowing light into the car park below and providing dramatic feature lighting at night.